
roll-the-dice-craps-board-game-points-122427.jpeg“I’m taking a chance here. I’m going to tell you something that … I’ve never told anyone.” He swallowed once, pain stetching his skin taut. Sweat giving his face an unkind sheen.

“I’m a …” A cough erupted from his throat – as unstoppable as the blood that gushed suddenly down his chin, soaking the bible he clasped to his chest. He tried to suck in a breath, but even as his chest rose, a spasm of pain arched his back. Cords stood out on his neck as he tried to suck air in and his eyes widened with the realisation that he couldn’t.

Death had clawed the secret back from his throat and left it cooling in a darkened cave.

The next time around, she became aware, over a period of years, that something was haunting her. Painfully so.

All her life she had believed in God, believed in the power of prayer and believed that if she confessed her sins she would be forgiven. So she’d prayed and she’d confessed. But still.

So she took a chance. She gathered what she considered to be essential, sold the rest and moved to …